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Feldenkrais Videos

Is Your Purse Causing You Pain?

We ladies love to carry the essentials (AND MORE) wherever we go! But if you experience regular neck or shoulder pain, take a second look at the purse you're using.

Art of Aging - ABC6

Art of Aging - ABC6

In November of 2017 ABC6, a news station licensed to New Bedford, MA provided a segment on how Feldenkrais helps us stay moving as we age.  No he doesn't pronounce the name correctly but the benefits remain!

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Art of Aging - ABC6 - Feldenkrais

Feldenkrais Moments

Published on May 29, 2015

International Feldenkrais Federation, Contemporary Images project... Open the door and have a first impression of Feldenkrais.
A film by Mariano Nante and María Zinn

Felednkrais Outdoors

Published on May 29, 2016

Here is one of the 2016 IFF Videos. 
Marcela Bretschneider: project leader and director
Diana Sternbach: production assistant
Tomas Utillano: cinematographer and editor
Sebastian Viggiola: editor

Feldenkrais Babies

Feldenkrais Babies

Published on May 29, 2016

Here is one of the 2016 IFF Videos. 
Marcela Bretschneider: project leader and director
Diana Sternbach: production assistant
Tomas Utillano: cinematographer
Sebastian Viggiola: editor

Feldenkrais for Everyday Life.

Published on May 29, 2016

International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF)
Contemporary Images Project

Marcela Bretschneider: project leader and director
Diana Sternbach: assistant director
Tomas Utillano: cinematographer
Sebastian Viggiola: editor