What is Awareness Through Movement® ?

Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) is a group class with a series of slow, gentle verbally guided movements that take place usually on the floor. These lessons give people precise ways of moving so they can explore by thinking, sensing and imagining the most optimal way to move for their individual system. By doing so movement is learned and continues to be learned in the most effortless ways. People will say "I have never felt that move before" or "my back doesn’t hurt anymore" or "I can breathe better."

We find different results than other modalities. Here are a few results from developed neurological movement patterns.

  • Establish movement

  • Eliminate pain for ease in movement

  • Relieve stress

  • Prevent injuries from happening

  • Should injury or surgeries occur, recover sooner

  • Improve coordination/flexibility

  • Reduce effort daily for more energy

  • Improve self-image and overall well being

  • Give you more options in movement as we age

  • Improve stroke, Parkinson’s, migraines/pain, sports injury etc...


Our Practitioners:

Every Feldenkrais Practitioner® and Awareness Through Movement® instructor within Wise Move is certified by the Feldenkrais Guild of North America®. We are highly trained in a keen sense of awareness. Please feel free to ask us any question you may have.

For more information:

Linda Groshek (616) 638-6308 or email at: linda@wisemove.com
Alea Groshek (616) 502-2496 or email at: alea@wisemove.com